Saturday, July 25, 2009

it's been over 4 months

So I've been prone to post monthly on the anniversary of John and I officially being a couple. It's a few days past that point, but... we'll call this the four month posting anyway.

So, yes, John's been with a lot more people than he told me originally. A lot. And for all he or I knows there's more that have been blocked out. I guess while it does upset me, John's changed a lot from the kid he once was. I can only hope that he will continue to grow, change, and become more and more human as the days progress into months and years. For now, I am dealing with the issues as they happen.

There are only two things at the moment that have any dampering affect on our relationship. One is that his ex, who has sworn herself away from our lives numerous times doesn't know how to actually stay away. If she wasn't in love with him, it wouldn't be such a deal. Two... is a bit more on the personal side of things, but it has to do with a lack of intimacy that I feel is good to have in a relationship. However, it is not a lacking bit for the most part and he did say he is willing to try if I have to have it. However, I feel that this is something we can get over.

All in all, there have been ups, downs, and complete reversals in our relationship. I have felt betrayed, broken, and misled. I also have felt loved, cherished, and blessed to have him in my life. I truly think that he is the person that God sent my way. If nothing else, each day with him is a learning experience, or at least a test of my patience. I feel like through the relationship we are having I am understanding my downfalls, and that of humanity's ... but more so our strengths. Our multitudes of expressions and scope of feeling and reasoning that no alien I've ever met can adequately match or display.

I am thankful that God has decided to give me John, and that we continue to thrive in each other's love and company. I was concerned when we got laid off that we'd be at each other's throats by now. We aren't for the most part, and that is a good sign I think.

There's your monthly update, wish us luck as we continue to discover what this love thing is all about.

1 comment:

  1. "I truly think that he is the person that God sent my way. If nothing else, each day with him is a learning experience, or at least a test of my patience."

    Aww! How sweet! It totally made me smile and I wished there was something annoying I could do right now to further prove my devotion and test some patience.

    "I was concerned when we got laid off that we'd be at each other's throats by now. We aren't for the most part, and that is a good sign I think."

    Actually, I try to get at your thrat from time to time but you complain when I leave marks...Just can't win.

    "I feel like through the relationship we are having I am understanding my downfalls, and that of humanity's ... but more so our strengths. Our multitudes of expressions and scope of feeling and reasoning that no alien I've ever met can adequately match or display."

    And therein I pull my faith.

