Thursday, May 28, 2009

it's been 68 days

...and we've got a pretty nifty apartment in a decent area of the Tron. We've got a pool around the corner, a computer center, and a fitness center too. We've got amazing friends that come over to play some Guitar Hero World Tour and get drunkard. We've got a microwave on the way and some bar stools from the grandma. We've got two lovely kitties that are all about BAMSAP but are still angels and cuddly. We've got snuggle times, solitaire competitions, lots of laughs, long epic talks and great sex. We've got power bracelets, rings, and gems - and an ankh necklace that is apparently older than me. We've got faith that everything will work out okay, somehow. We've got a smidgen of mystery and lots of learning and growing to do. We've got some baggage on both sides, but we've got a lot of love as well. We've got altered senses of time with speed and slow motion intermingled with chaotic precision. If money didn't exist life would be full of rainbows, butterflies, sunshine, magic, and fairy dust, and springy music.

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